So, if you want the rainbow you have to deal with the rain, we all go through difficult situations to get to the positive ones. The only way we grow is by falling down, yes you have your ups and downs in life but if you fight hard enough you will come out on top. …
Know What Your Fighting For
We all have an idea what we want to achieve in the future, quite a lot of the time there are people who know what they want but have absolutely no idea why they want it. They decide “yea i want to achieve …….” Someone asks you “Why do you want to do that?” the …
Simple Is Best
Taking the simple route is always the best way to go because you can keep track of where you are also if there is a mistake, it’s only going to be minor since the entire thing is simple. Surprisingly the simpler something is the more you can accomplish during the journey. Keeping something simple is …
The Problem With A Heard
The problem with following he heard is since your all going the same speed and the same direction, the probability of rising above the rest is limited. Walking a different direction on your own. You move at the speed you want to move and you go what ever route you want. Once a sheep always …
Facing The Truth
Ok, well let’s start with the obvious fact. It’s impossible for everything to go according to plan first time. I believe things going wrong at the start is the best thing to happen to you. The reason for this is because you’ve faced the problems straight away. So you know to turn direction early on. …
What Is The Right Path?
Let’s be honest here, We’ve all been told by either parents or teachers or , well anyone to follow the right path to become successful. The thing is though and let’s be honest. There isn’t a so called right path. Your right path could be, Let’s use an example…..”Following the north star” that might be …
never lose hope
The biggest problem i have seen quit a lot and that’s also including myself on the one occasion , losing faith in success when we hit a speed bump. Come on let’s face it, the road is never a simple journey…..Of course there are going to be times where we feel like giving up when …
under lock and key
The reason i called this page “Under Lock And Key” is because one of the things that, and come on let’s be honest there are a lot of people who have or Are still doing it. The feelings that you have such as feeling lost or depressed or even something simple. Like being unheard when …
strength of an army!
The difference from you to everybody else is as simple as you have the strength of an army, i mean yes you may only be one person. It only takes one person to change the world. I may not be very good at what i do but I know what I want to achieve and …
One day or day one you decide
Well, i’ll start off with when we progress in life we either have the option to watch the seconds tick by or we move our feet. The question is what do you do? You either aim for success or you watch it slowly evaporate from your fingers and you will get nowhere. There is no …