You should never feel disappointed to have epilepsy , you should be happy to have it. People day your different for having it. To damn right you are but that’s a good thing. Being different makes you special and unique. I’m happy to have it , i mean yeah there has been the ps and downs about seizures and the hospital appointments
The reason my views are always positive is because when you think about it. If i didn’t have epilepsy I would have nothing to build a business on. Everything Happens for a reason , so use it to your advantage. It sure isn’t a disability , it’s a super power and never forget that. You have been given this for a reason, I’m not saying it’s a simple walk in the park but turn it into something fun.
Yes i know people have there own coping mechanism , Mine is humor. I’m literally always making fun of myself because it just makes things easier so look at it as a positive not a negative. It’s the things that make us different that make us interesting.
There’s no such thing as normal but even if there was , my question is “What is normal?” I can tell you now, normal is boring and sheep are normal because they don’t know how to stand out from the crowd. You do so make the most of it and let’s change the world. Together As One!