Personal Growth: Over Competition

Personal Growth: Over Competition

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Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for being here today. Today I want to share something that’s close to my heart and means something that has shaped the way I live my life.

You see, many of us grow up thinking that life is all about being the best—being better than everyone else around us. We think we need to be the fastest, the smartest, or the most successful person in the room. And when we don’t feel like we measure up, it can hurt. We start to compare ourselves to others, which often makes us feel small, unimportant, or even like we’re failing.

But here’s the truth: Life Isn’t About Being Better Than Anyone Else. It’s about being better than the person you were yesterday.

Think about it. When you focus on being better than others, you’re always looking outward. You’re comparing your life, your success, and your happiness to what you see in others. But when you focus on improving yourself—on being better than you were yesterday—you’re growing from within. You’re making progress at your own pace, and that’s what really matters.

Let me tell you a little story from my own life. Growing up, I was bullied for being different, for having epilepsy. It wasn’t easy. I used to think that I needed to prove myself, to show that I was better than the people who looked down on me. I thought that if I could just be the best at something, then the pain would go away, and people would respect me.

But chasing after being “The Best” didn’t bring me happiness. It wasn’t until I started focusing on becoming a better version of myself—by working on my strengths, embracing my differences, and improving little by little—that things began to change. I wasn’t running someone else’s race anymore. I was running my own.

Each day is a chance to make small changes. Maybe today you’re kinder than you were yesterday. Maybe you learned something new or pushed yourself a bit further than before. That’s what real growth is. It doesn’t matter how fast or slow you’re going. As long as you’re moving forward, you’re winning your own race.

Life is like climbing a mountain. If you spend all your time looking at others who are ahead of you or those who seem to have it easier, you’ll forget to appreciate how far you’ve already come. Every step matters, no matter how small.

So, I encourage you all to stop measuring your worth against someone else’s success. Instead, think about the person you were yesterday and ask yourself: How can I improve today? That’s the only competition that matters.

In the end, true happiness and success come from personal growth, not from outshining others. Celebrate your progress, however small, and keep moving forward. That’s how you become the best version of yourself.


i am here to explain about how epilepsy has effected me and my life so far growing up and hope to achieve which is to improve the lives of other people. My Goal is to help change peoples lives who may feel lost or in need of guidance

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