The Harmful Effects of Bullying Bullying is never okay, and when it targets people with disabilities, it can have particularly devastating consequences. Bullying can take many forms, including physical, verbal, and emotional abuse, and it can happen in various settings, such as schools, workplaces, and online platforms. Here are some ways bullying can harm individuals …
If This Doesn’t Motivate You?
We all have goals in life but most never follow through on them , they just imagine success and never pursue it. I believe the reason for this is because people are scared to take that leap of faith and follow there dreams. My question is , do you want to be in the 10% …
The Waves Of Similarities
As you hear people say to you “No-one is alike” well you will face following in the same footsteps as someone if you don’t follow your own path. The only way you are going to succeed is by getting up and walking away from the rest. I mean don’t get me wrong there will be …
Overcoming The Obstacle Of Misdirection
Ok , let’s start from the beginning here. We all have goals and ambitions in life and that’s a fact. The problem we will all encounter is a thing called “Misdirection” which is where you are on the right path and one opens up and you decide you want to take it on. Until you …
The Fine Line Between What We Want And What We Need
Right , well the thing is there are so many different things on our journey that we want but there’s one one that will make you truly happy. Thinking about what you want and what you actually need are so different. Well let’s use this as a example , you want to start filming videos …
Alienating Yourself From The World
If I’m going to be completely honest , I really struggle even to this day being around big groups of people because finding people to trust and not judge you for your disability is tricky , I find it easier keeping to myself because what I choose to do is what I will do. When …
Many Words From A Unheard Voice
The problem that is very common is that there are so many people looking to speak out about there problems yet there are more people who have turned there back on them when they need them the most. I can’t speak on behalf of everyone who suffers with a disability but in the past when …
The Mirrors In Your Mind
The mirrors in your mind reflect the best version of yourself and your thoughts and emotions in the moment and you will never forget that feeling of freedom. I believe a lot of the time we sit there thinking the worst until we look in the mirror and realise how wrong we were. Your mind …
The Big System Reset
As we go through life , we will without doubt hit the brick wall and that’s just a fact. I mean yes you have the option to either redirect or Reset and get back to step one and since you figured out where you need to avoid you then find what you need. Let’s be …
Masterpiece Of My Mistakes?
I’m going to be completely honest with you , all the mistakes I have made are just another paint added to the canvas. In a strange way all the mistakes you make actually create something magnificent , it’s impossible to be right one hundred percent of the time. If you were right with everything you …