The main problem this days with everyone talking and having opinions, not all the time just occasionally when your trying to get your point across and people talk over me, frustration does kick in because it feels like your opinions don’t matter, they just feel worthless The problem with this feeling is that, you do …
This is my time
Ok, So now this is my time to shout and be heard. I’m sick of pretty much speaking to an empty room, it’s my time to make a difference. Honestly I don’t care what people think of me. In my life I’m doing one thing, which is to change the world. I don’t care if …
Impossible To Be wrong
You may not realize it but when it comes down to your own disability and how it makes you feel, It’s impossible for anyone to tell you your wrong. Everyone is unique when it comes down to disability. I know a couple of people have told me they felt depressed about there epilepsy and how …
Making mistakes is a good thing!
When i say making mistakes is a good thing, my reasoning behind this is because when i have made a mistake, you then know that’s the direction you don’t want to do. I mean come on everyone has had an idea that they think is going perfectly then as you think it’s raising…..It then flops …
Pulling the trigger of injustice
This world needs to change, when it comes down to justice. It feels like disability gets thrown to the back of the Que. The reason things need to change is because being treated differently for something you can’t exactly change. Terrible example here so just go with it . I do believe people with different …
Does time heal all wounds?
Today, i’m going to speak to everyone about do all wounds heal over time, well i’ve thought about this question a lot, because people with epilepsy such as myself or any form of disability, we all get pushed around growing up weather it is physical or verbal abuse. I had loads of jokes thrown my …
unreal expectations
Right, i’ll be honest with you. When it comes down to having goals. Never have the idea in your head that your going to make millions with the snap of your fingers, because it’s not going to happen let’s be honest. You may do well in life but it might take you years. There’s no …
Learning on the go
At the moment i understand my own epilepsy and my absences and seizures, Yes but when it comes down to other peoples epilepsy it is absolutely impossible to understand how anyone feels. As i progress in life i will start to understand it. I’m aiming to become a Inspirational speaker, explain my story and help …
Don’t Count the moments, Make every Moments Count!
Ok, now lets be honest we all say it, “One Minute” when you need to do something. Every second that goes by is an opportunity missed. The thing is you have no idea what could’ve happened because it’s already disappeared into the wind. So instead of “One Minute” stop delaying things that could be getting …
Why was i chosen?
I have questioned a few times why did i have to be the one with epilepsy, honestly and surprisingly i’m blessed to have it. Yes i know times can be difficult with it but, if it wasn’t for epilepsy i wouldn’t have the opportunity to even be typing this right now. My views on it …