Embrace Life's Weird Moments

Embrace Life’s Weird Moments

Today I want to share with you something we often shy away from. It’s something we all experience but seldom appreciate as we should: the strange, unpredictable, and sometimes downright weird situations that come our way. We’re taught to fear them, to avoid them, or to think of them as obstacles. But in reality, these …

Disability Will Never Stop You! Unraveling the Complexity of Epilepsy: Why Understanding Falls Short

Unraveling the Complexity of Epilepsy: Why Understanding Falls Short

Epilepsy, a neurological disorder characterized by recurrent seizures, is far more intricate and multifaceted than commonly perceived. Despite its prevalence, there remains a significant gap in knowledge and understanding surrounding the condition. This lack of comprehension contributes to misconceptions, stigma, and challenges in effectively managing epilepsy. 1. Diverse Presentation of Seizures Epileptic seizures manifest in …

Coping with Disability: The Struggle to Find Help and Support

Coping with Disability: The Struggle to Find Help and Support

Living with a disability often presents unique challenges, not only physically but emotionally, socially, and financially. For many, the greatest struggle isn’t the disability itself but the lack of accessible support and understanding from the world around them. Despite advancements in medicine, technology, and disability advocacy, countless individuals feel isolated and unsupported, grappling daily with …

Handling Disability: Finding Your Unique Path

Handling Disability: Finding Your Unique Path

Living with a disability isn’t as simple as following a 10-step guide or counting to 10—it’s a complex and deeply personal journey. It can feel overwhelming at times, but no matter how challenging things may seem, there is always a method to help you move forward. The key is finding the approach that works for …

Disabilities: Turning Challenges Into Strengths In Business

Disabilities: Turning Challenges Into Strengths In Business

Hey, everyone! Let’s have a real conversation about disabilities. For too long, society has boxed the term “Disability” into something negative—a limitation, a weakness, or a disadvantage. But here’s the truth that many don’t realize: disabilities come with hidden advantages that can make you unstoppable in the business world. In fact, if we dig deeper, …

Understanding The Structure Of Epilepsy And Disability: A Personal Perspective

Understanding The Structure Of Epilepsy And Disability: A Personal Perspective

Hi there! I want to take a moment to talk about epilepsy and disability—not just the medical side of things, but also the personal and emotional layers that often don’t get enough attention. I’ll walk you through what epilepsy is, how it intertwines with living with a disability, and what it all means for day-to-day …

The Difference Between Needs And Wants For Success

The Difference Between Needs And Wants For Success

Success is a journey shaped by our priorities. Understanding the difference between what we need and what we want is crucial for personal and professional growth. While our needs are the essentials that form the foundation of success, our wants are the desires that enhance our experience but may not be critical to reaching our …

Rising Above Bullying In The Workplace: A Speech For Everyone

Rising Above Bullying In The Workplace: A Speech For Everyone

Good evening, everyone. Here’s the stats showing the impact of workplace bullying. It highlights how bullying affects mental health, career growth, and productivity. So , I stand here today with a message I wish none of us ever had to hear: bullying doesn’t always stop after school. Sometimes, it follows us into the places we …

Being "Woke" About Disability: Awareness Isn’t Enough—It’s Time for Action

Being “Woke” About Disability: Awareness Isn’t Enough—It’s Time for Action

The term “Woke” has become a call to action for addressing systemic inequality, often associated with racial, gender, or social justice. However, when it comes to disability, the conversation is still largely stuck at the awareness stage. Many people recognize the existence of barriers faced by individuals with disabilities but fail to take meaningful steps …

What People Think They Know About Disability – And How They're Often Wrong

What People Think They Know About Disability – And How They’re Often Wrong

Disability is one of the most misunderstood aspects of human experience. It’s not just about the lack of knowledge that people have—it’s also about the stereotypes they hold, the assumptions they make, and the way they oversimplify or mischaracterize the lives of disabled individuals. These misconceptions often lead to harmful behaviors, systemic inequalities, and a …

A Silent Battle

A Silent Battle

Living with a disability feels like carrying an invisible weight that others can’t see. While the challenges are ever-present, the hardest part isn’t always the physical toll or the limitations; it’s the isolation. It’s the moments when you’re pouring your heart out, trying to explain your struggles, and the person across from you nods absentmindedly, …

When You Think Violence Is The Answer

When You Think Violence Is The Answer

Hello, everyone. I want to take a moment to share a deeply personal story with you, one that taught me a lesson I’ll never forget. When you live with a disability, you might find yourself treated differently, unfairly, or even cruelly. Some people will see you as an easy target. They’ll call you names, spread …