You Can Do This When You Are Willing To Work Hard

You Can Do This When You Are Willing To Work Hard

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Hello everyone and Today, I want to talk to you about something close to my heart—disability. For many people, the word “disability” might seem like a barrier, something that stops you from achieving your dreams. But I am here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be that way. Disability does not define you, and it certainly doesn’t stop you from living your life to the fullest.

Let me share a personal story. My girlfriend, Bethan, is Neurodivergent. From the beginning in high school we dated from 2008 so it’s now 16 years , I saw something special in Bethan from the day we met , pure determination, and fire inside her that wouldn’t let anything hold her back.

You see, Bethan never let that stop her from pursuing her dreams. She went to university and graduated with a degree in Animal Welfare. And as if that wasn’t enough, she is now studying Coding and Software Development.

It’s amazing to watch her grow and succeed in everything she puts her mind to. Every step of the way, she’s shown that no matter what challenges you face, you can still achieve your goals.

Bethan is a perfect example of how a disability doesn’t mean you can’t reach your dreams. It doesn’t matter what your disability is. It could be physical, mental, or emotional—whatever it is, it doesn’t have to be the end of your story. Just like Bethan, you can push through, you can work hard, and you can achieve great things.

We’ve been together for a long time, and one thing I’ve learned from her is that anything is possible if you believe in yourself and put in the effort. She has taught me that with determination and hard work, nothing can hold you back—, not any other disability.

So, if Bethan and I can do it, what’s stopping you? You have the power within you to break through any barriers and achieve your dreams. Disability doesn’t have to be a roadblock. It’s just a part of who you are, and it can be a strength if you let it.

I want everyone to know that you are capable of so much more than you might think. Take that first step, believe in yourself, and never let anything—or anyone—tell you that you can’t do something. Just look at Bethan—she’s proof that with determination and a positive mindset, you can achieve anything you set your heart on.

Thank you.


i am here to explain about how epilepsy has effected me and my life so far growing up and hope to achieve which is to improve the lives of other people. My Goal is to help change peoples lives who may feel lost or in need of guidance

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