When it comes down to making a difference, you can’t stand and wait for things to happen for you. If you want change then you have to be the one to make it. Every second you waste , is time lost off off accomplishing your dreams. Every second you stand still, you’ve then wasted when …
Come On And Make The World Move
If you want to make an impact on the world , the only way you’re going to achieve that is by getting up and taking the first step. You’re never going to get anywhere in life if your stood still. Get up and fight for what you believe in, that’s the only way your going …
Now We Have Wings
Once you have progressed in life and gained your wings, you’re ready to fly to higher places. The only was you’ll ever get your wings is by taking a leap of faith and trusting what you are doing is right. One of the reasons you risk losing your wings is by, the simplest of things …
Will I Be Stronger Or Will I Be Weak?
When it comes down to progression, you will face difficult situations. Some of these situations you will find your strengths and weaknesses. You need to turn your weaknesses into your strengths. If you hold onto your weaknesses then you’ll never overcome them and you will remain weak. One of my weaknesses was not knowing what …
Losing Is Easy Winning Takes Bravery
When we face difficult situations, It’s easy to turn backwards and give up. You turn back you lose and that’s it. If your strong enough to continue then that’s Bravery. Having the strength to hit back when you get knocked down takes a strong person. Never giving up is a truly strong person. We al …
What Would A Warrior Do?
Simple Answer, a warrior would never give up no matter the challenge, you never see a warrior backing down so if you have a warriors inside of you, the question is do you run and desert when times get hard or do you face the challenge and fight till the end no matter what obstacles …
Ask Myself In The Water
When we look at our reflection sometimes all we see is our own reflection, sometimes we see our worst enemy. The reason behind this is because when we are struggling to achieve a goal, We often blame ourselves. We both know mistakes happen but they’re no ones fault. Mistakes tell you that, this is not …
Lost In Translation
Ok, so what i mean by this is, there are people who you try explain how you feel or how stuff effects you and all you get in the persons minds is pure confusion , because they don’t understand what your going through or understand your perspective on things. That’s ok , the more you …
Lost Without Notice
The reasoning behind this topic is because of how I’ve been treated in the past, maybe some people with a disability. Since being treated differently just because We/I can’t do things that they can do, Now because of being different i got people taking no notice of me because they all stayed in there groups …
Feeling Like A Ghost
I can’t actually explain really why but i’ve noticed with me, so may only actually be me but as soon as the world disability is thrown to someone. The vision towards you changes, I’ve had people view me differently because I can’t do somethings. Which honestly some of those things I couldn’t care less about …